Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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I. N e w   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Baldwin, Francesca. »Reigniting the Embers: Sexual Violence and the Mobilisation of Diasporic Tigrayan Women during the Tigray War, 2020-2023.« Matrix 3 (2024): 32-59.

[Info] Barker, Andrew. »Anticipating Freud’s Pleasure Principle? A Reading of Ernst Weiss’s War Story “Franta Zlin” (1919).« Interwar Vienna: Culture between Tradition and Modernity. Edited by Deborah Holmes et al. Rochester 2009: 193-205.

[Info] Bellot, Gabrielle. »Sexual Harassment and Hollywood's Earliest Cartoons.« HuffPost (December 5, 2017).

[Info] Beverlöv. Linda. Genusroll eller föräldraroll? – En rättshistorisk analys av synen på kön och föräldrar som förövare av misshandel mot barn i lagstiftning och domar från perioden 1900–2020. Examensarbete, Uppdala Universitet, 2024.

[Info] Borowiec, Łukasz. »From Framing to Appropriation: Adapting Media Representations of Child Sexual Abuse in Three Contemporary BBC Radio Plays.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Breitsohl, Louis. »Scenes of Abuse: Fatal Indeterminacies, Affective Assemblages and the Nachträglichkeit of Recognition.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Christine, Jenna. »Old Myths Through New Eyes: Re-Appropriation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.« The University of Colorado Honors Journal (2024): 118-119.

[Info] Cunningham, George B., et al. »Sexual harassment and implicit gender-career biases negatively impact women’s life expectancy in the US: a state-level analysis, 2011–2019.« BMC Public Health 14 (April 23, 2024).

[Info] Dlakavu, Simamkele. Fighting Against Erasure: The One in Nine Campaign and Feminist Movement Building Against Sexual Violence. Ph.D. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2024.

[Info] Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne. »Graphic Assault: Reading Sexual Assault and Rape Narratives in Biblical Comics.« The Bible & Critical Theory 15 (2019): 49-65.

[Info] *** Doniger, Wendy. »Invisibility and Sexual Violence in Indo-European Mythology.« Social Research 83 (2016): 847-877.

[Info] dos Santos, Edmilson O., et al. »Characterization of male sexual assault in the state of São Paulo, Brazil: an epidemiological study from 2014 to 2017.« International Journal of Legal Medicine 138 (2024): 571–581.

[Info] Dreßing, Harald, et al. »Sexueller Missbrauch im Verantwortungsbereich der Evangelischen Kirche: Einige Ergebnisse aus einem Teilprojekt der ForuM-Studie.« Der Nervenarzt 138 (April 29, 2024).

[Info] Dubois, Elizabeth, et al. »How harassment and hate speech policies have changed over time: Comparing Facebook, Twitter and Reddit (2005–2020).« Policy Internet 138 (March 10, 2024).

[Info] Farhana, Umme. »Representation of Rape in Sabitri UpakhyanJournal of Nazrul University 9 (2022): 163-172.

[Info] Featherstone. Lisa. »Sexual Violence in History.« The Cambridge World History of Sexualities. Vol. I. Edited by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks et al. Cambridge 2024: 339-361.

[Info] Fowler. Anastasia. Anarchism, Dreaming, and Technology as Cures to Sexual Violence in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed and The Word for World is Forest. Honors Theses, Bates College, 2024.

[Info] Freitag, Sabine. »Homosexuelle Monarchen im Kaiserreich: Ludwig II. von Bayern und Karl I. von Württemberg.« Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle: Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Edited by Klaus van Eickels et al. Bamberg 2024: 159-189.

[Info] Hegstrom, Valerie. »Staging Gender Norms, Sexual Harassment and Assault, and the Mujer VaronilComedia Performance 21 (2024): 110-125.

[Info] Hoener, Katherine J. Russian War Crimes against Ukraine. Honors Thesis, University of Dayton, 2024.

[Info] Knapp, Caleb. »“Much-Abused Luke”: Slavery, Sexual Terror, and Protest.« History of the Present 14 (2024): 81-107.

[Info] Kügler, Joachim. »Warum man einen Mann nicht ‚zur Frau machen‘ soll und warum es sich bisweilen trotzdem lohnt: Historische Schlaglichter zum Zusammenhang von Männlicher Herrschaft, Misogynie und der Bewertung mann-männlichen Geschlechtsverkehrs.« Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle: Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Edited by Klaus van Eickels et al. Bamberg 2024: 83-128.

[Info] LaFleur, Greta. »Whither Rape in the History of Sexuality? Thinking Sex alongside Slavery’s Normative Violence.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 33 (2024): 153-187.

[Info] Liu, Yang, et al. »Reports on sexual violence published in an online Chinese newspaper: A new frame research.« PLoS ONE 19(5) (2024).

[Info] Macleod, Douglas C. »The Suppression of Child Abuse and Womanism in Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Martín Morán, José M. »La fuerza de la sangre o cómo mostrar con propiedad el desatino de la violencia sexual.« eHumanista 58 (2024): 147-170.

[Info] Mehdya. »Representing Sexual Assault and Trauma in Una’s Becoming Unbecoming and Courtney Summers’s All the RageInternational Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies 3 (2024): 13-18.

[Info] Muhlisin, Muhlisin, et al. »Gender-Based Oppression in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s TaleRainbow 13 (2024): 29-35.

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey. »‘Prowled Rather than Passed’: Abuse and Veiled Social Mobility in Nabokov’s and Kubrick’s LolitaLiterature/Film Quarterly 50(4) (2022).

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey, ed. Abuse Studies in the Humanities. Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey. »A Personal Call for Abuse Studies: A Path Toward Pride, Beauty, and Hope.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Osborne, Emma E. Reading Women: Models of Behaviour and Womanhood in the Auchinleck Manuscript. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2018.

[Info] Park, Minsu, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024).

[Info] Plieth, Carla. »Sexual Abuse, Coercion, and Consent: Mediating Statutory Rape in Young Adult Literature.« Coercion and Trust: A Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue. Edited by Saradamoyee Chatterjee et al. London 2024: 41-60.

[Info] Ramesh, Amalendhu P. »The Courtship Between the Lion and the Lamb: An Analysis of Rape Culture Romanticised in The Twilight Saga« Intellectual Resonance 6 (2024): 17-28.

[Info] Rosso, Maria. »Honor, deseo y violencia de género: Peripecias narrativas en el Siglo de Oro (Cervantes, Lope de Vega, María de Zayas y Mariana de Carvajal).« eHumanista 58 (2024): 118-134.

[Info] Russ, Joanna. »Amor Vincit Foeminam: The Battle of the Sexes in in Science Fiction.« Science Fiction Studies 7 (1980): 2-15.

[Info] Russ, Joanna. To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction. Bloomington 1995.

[Info] Saidi, Zoulikha. »Jessica Jones, A.K.A.: A Representation of the Me-too movement.« Aleph (May 2, 2024).

[Info] Saidullah, Jawahara K. »Shakti-The Power of the Mother: The Violent Nurturer in Indian Mythology and Commercial Cinema.« Canadian Women Studies 13 (1992): 37-41.

[Info] Santa-Aguilar, Sara. »Agresión sexual y amor cortés en la novela pastoril en tiempos de Cervantes.« eHumanista 58 (2024): 36-48.

[Info] Sari, Eka. »Jugun Ianfu: Wanita Penghibur Dan Tentara Jepang 1942-1945.« Krinok 3 (2023): 51-63.

[Info] Saxena, Anisha. »“I Curse You on Her Behalf”: Narratives of Sexual Assault from Sanskrit Literature.« South Asian Studies 38 (2022): 183-191.

[Info] Schwartz, Schwartz J. The Culture of the Case: Madness, Crime, and Justice in Modern German Art. Cambridge 2023.

[Info] Tombs, Rachel D. »Feminists led, politicians followed: The Criminalisation of Marital Rape.« New Zealand Journal of History 58 (2024): 94-113.

[Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16.

[Info] van Eickels, Klaus. »Jenseits von Homophobie und Heteronormativität: Die divergente Wahrnehmung von mann-männlicher Nähe und homosexuellen Handlungen in vormodernen Gesellschaften.« Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle: Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Edited by Klaus van Eickels et al. Bamberg 2024: 11-82.

[Info] Zander, Sylvina. Zwischen »ehrbar« und »liederlich«: Zur Geschichte der Frauen in Oldesloe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Hamburg 2024.

[Info] Zela Pacori, Carmen E., et al. »Violencia contra la mujer en el departamento de Puno, 2009 - 2022.« Purisum 1 (2024): 19-26.

[Info] Zhang, Ruizhe. »Remembering or Forgiveness: Aftermath of May 1998 Riots in Indonesia.« Thesis, University of Michigan, 2024.

II. R e v i s e d   E n t r i e s

1. Author Index

[Info] Blackburn, Kevin. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Singapore 2022.

2. Speaker Index


III. N e w   S u b d i r e c t o r i e s

1. Topical Index

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Mickey Mouse, Franta Zlin; Fictional Victims: Betty Boop, Minnie Mouse, Janine, Sabitri; Real Offenders: Joseph Völk, Ludwig Völk; Real Victims: Luke | Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: Tigray War | Victims: Physical Consequences: Life Expectancy | Society: Organizations: One in Nine Campaign | Representations: Comics: Betty Boop’s Big Boss, Betty Boop’s Trial, The Book of Genesis, Illustrated, Boop-Oop-a-Doop, The Brick Bible, Plane Crazy, Red Hot Mamma; Films: Bhrashtachar, Kahani Phoolvati Ki, Khoon Baha Ganga Mein, Mera Shikaar, Sherni; Literary Texts: Thomas Berger, Mariana de Carvajal, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Floris and Blancheflour, Hasan Azizul Huq, David H. Keller, The Legend of Pope Gregory, Ursula K. Le Guin, Mahabharata, Bruce McAllister, Stephenie Meyer, Lesléa Newman , Puranas, Sonya Sones, Courtney Summers, James Tipptree Jr., Ernst Weiss; Press: People's Daily; Radio: Bright Spark, Safe from Harm, What the Bishops Knew